• Academic exchange

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    International conference

    International Symposium on Primate Research

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    Academic Forum

    “Red Earth”Life Science Frontier Youth Forum

  • Open platform

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    Data Sharing

    MRI image data of primates (Macaca mulatta, cynomolgus monkey).


    Please Contact: info@lpbr.cn

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    Equipment Platform

    Laser confocal microscopy, micro laser cutting system, microscopic operating system, patch clamp, flow cytometry, sequencer and other large equipment sharing services.


    Please Contact: info@lpbr.cn

  • Equipment Reservation

    Please fill in the equipment reservation information in the message box by "reservation equipment name, date (m-d), time (08:00-10:00)" format.

  • Technical Services

    Please Contact: info@lpbr.cn

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    Primate gene editing

    A genetic engineering research platform for primates (Macaque and Cynomolgus) that provides primate assisted reproductive technology services such as germ cells, in vitro fertilization, and embryo transfer.

    A full range of lentivirus, adeno-associated virus transgenic animals,gene targeted modification animal based on CRISPR/Cas9 technology services.

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    Disease animal model

    Neurological disease models: Parkinson's disease (chemical induction and A53T overexpression), RTT syndrome (MECP2 gene mutation), DMD disease, etc.

    Metabolic system disease model: diabetes model, liver injury model (drug induction).

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    Stem cells and transformation

    Cynomolgus monkeys, macaques and human embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cell (iPS) services.

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    Animal sample

    Cynomolgus monkey, macaque organ tissue, cells and DNA samples.