• 王正波 (Zhengbo Wang)


    一、教育与工作经历 Education and working experiences

    • 教育经历
    1. 1997.9-2001.6:长江大学,农学学士
    2. 2001.9-2004.6:甘肃农业大学动物医学院,基础兽医学,获得农学硕士学位
    3. 2004.9-2007.6:甘肃农业大学动物医学院,基础兽医学,获得农学博士学位
    • 工作经历
    1. 2018.8至今:昆明理工大学灵长类转化医学研究院,副教授
    2. 2017.1-2018.8:中科院昆明动物研究所,副研究员
    3. 2010.10-2016.12:中科院昆明动物研究所,助理研究员
    4. 2007.8-2010.9:中国科学院动物模型与人类疾病机理重点实验室,博士后,神经生物学,合作导师:胡新天研究员

    二、主要研究方向 Research Interests

    1. 神经退行性疾病猕猴模型的构建
    2. 基于猴模型的神经退行性疾病治疗研究

    三、科研领域描述 RESEARCH FILEDS


    四、承担科研项目情况 Fundings

    1. 云南省重点项目:黑质细胞移植联合纹状体定向投射诱导治疗PD猴模型的研究,202401AS070086,2024-03-01至2027-02-28,50万,主持

    2. 云南省中青年学术带头人后备人才,2020-2024,12万,主持;

    3. 国家重点研发计划项目:发育代谢复杂疾病灵长类动物模型的创制与临床前研究,2018YFA0801403,2019-2024,224.1万元,子课题组长

    4. 国家自然科学基金地区基金项目,31960120,基于非人灵长类猕猴PD模型神经干细胞黑质原位移植治疗研究,2020.1-2023.12,40万,主持


    1. Wenjing Dong(#), Shuyi Liu(#),Shanggang Li(*), Zhengbo Wang(*). Advance in therapy of Parkinson's disease with cell reprogramming. Neural regeneration research. 2024 Nov 19(11):p 2444-2455.
    2. Peng Li(#), Ting Zhang(#), Junyu Zhang(#), Ruo Wu(#), Yan Zhuo, Shangang Li, Jiaojian Wang, Wenting Guo(*), Zhengbo Wang(*), Yongchang Chen(*).Loss of SHROOM3 affects neuroepithelial cell shape through regulating cytoskeleton proteins in cynomolgus monkey’s organoids. Zoological Research. 2024.Mar 18;45(2):233-241.
    3. Liu S(#), Shi L(#), Huang T, Luo Y, Chen Y(*), Li S, Wang Z(*). Neural Stem Cells Transplanted into Rhesus Monkey Cortical Traumatic Brain Injury Can Survive and Differentiate into Neurons.Int J Mol Sci 2024 Jan 29;25(3):1642.
    4. Luo Y, Wang Z(*). The Impact of Microglia on Neurodevelopment and Brain Function in Autism, biomedicines, 2024, 12(1):1-20. SCIE.
    5. Yang J(#), Chen K(#), Zhang J, Ma Y, Chen M, Shao H, Zhang X, Fan D, Wang Z(*), Sun Z(*), Wang J(*). Molecular mechanisms underlying human spatial cognitive ability revealed with neurotransmitter and transcriptomic mapping. Cereb Cortex. 2023 Oct 6:bhad368. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhad368. Online ahead of print.
    6. Jiang Zhang, Jingyue Zhang, Hui Sun, Jia Yang, Yingzi Ma, Kexuan Chen,Jing Su, Xiaohui Yu, Futing Yang, Zhiwei Zhang, Tianyu Zhao, Xiuying Hu, Yiran Zhai, Qihong Liu, Jiaojian Wang(*), Chunyan Liu(*), Zhengbo Wang(*), Cerebellum Drives FunctionalDysfunctions in Restless Leg Syndrome. Sleepmedicine. 110(2023)172-178.
    7. Xiao-Lin Zhuang(#), Jin-Jin Zhang(#), Yong Shao(#),Ya-xin Ye(#), Chun-Yan Chen(#), Long Zhou(#), Zheng-BoWang(#), Xin Luo, Bing Su, Yong-Gang Yao, David N Cooper,Ben-Xia Hu, Lu Wang, Xiao-Guang Qi, Jiangwei Lin, Guo-Jie Zhang(*),Wen Wang(*), Nengyin Sheng(*), Dong-Dong Wu(*).Integrative omics reveals rapidly evolving regulatory sequences driving primate brain evolution. Mol Biol Evol. 2023 Jul 26; msad173.doi: 10.1093/molbev/msad173. Online ahead of print.
    8. Wei J(#), Dai S(#), Yan Y(#), Li S, YangP, Zhu R, Huang T, Li X, Duan Y, Wang Z(*), Ji W(*), Si W(*).Spatiotemporal proteomic atlasof multiple brain regions across early fetal to neonatal stages in cynomolgus monkey. Nat Commun. 2023 Jul 3;14(1):3917.
    9. Li H(#), Gan X(#), Pan L(#), Zhang Y, HuX(*), Wang Z(*). EGF/bFGF promotes survival, migration anddifferentiation into neurons of GFP-labeled rhesus monkey neural stem cells xenografted into the rat brain. Biochem Biophys ResCommun. 2022 Sep 10; 620:76-82. doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2022.06.077. Epub 2022 Jun 25.
    10. Zhu R(#), Luo Y(#), Li S(*), WangZ(*) . The role of microglialautophagy in Parkinson's disease. Front Aging Neurosci. 2022 Nov 1; 14:1039780. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2022.1039780. eCollection2022.
    11. Mengjia Li(#), Zhengbo Wang(#), Tianzhuang Huang, Tianqi Zheng, Baoguo Liu,Deqiang Han, Sumei Liu, Mo Li, Wei Si, Yu Alex Zhang(*), Yuyu Niu(*),Zhiguo Chen(*).Characterization of human induced neural stem cellsand derivatives following transplantation into the central nervous system of a nonhuman primate and rats. Stem cell international, Volume 2022 | Article ID 1396735
    12. Lu S, Chen Y(*), Wang Z(*). Advances in the pathogenesis of Rett syndromeusing cell models. Animal Model Exp Med. 2022 Dec;5(6):532-541. doi:10.1002/ame2.12236. Epub 2022 Jul 4.
    13. Wang J(#), Wang Z(#),ZhangH(#), Feng S(#),Lu Y(#), Wang S, Wang H, SunYE, Chen Y(*). White Matter Structural and Network TopologicalChanges Underlying the Behavioral Phenotype of MECP2 Mutant Monkeys. Cereb Cortex. 2021 Jun 12;bhab166.
    14. Xu K(#), Chen D(#), Wang Z(#), Ma J, ZhouJ, Chen N, Lv L, Zheng Y, Hu X, Zhang Y(*), Li J(*).Annotation and functional clustering of circRNA expression in rhesus macaque brain during aging. Cell Discov. 2018 Sep 18;4:48. doi: 10.1038/s41421-018-0050-1.eCollection 2018.
    15. Zhai R, Rizak J, Zheng N, He X, Li Z, Yin Y, Su T, He Y, He R, Ma Y, Yang M(*),Wang Z(*), Hu X(*). Alzheimer's Disease-LikePathologies and Cognitive Impairments Induced by Formaldehyde in Nonhuman Primates. Curr Alzheimer Res. 2018 Sep 4. doi:10.2174/1567205015666180904150118. [Epub ahead of print]
    16. Huang B(#), Wu S(#), Wang Z(#), Ge L, RizakJD, Wu J, Li J, Xu L, Lv L(*), Yin Y(*), Hu X(*),Li H(*). Phosphorylated α-Synuclein Accumulations and Lewy Body-likePathology Distributed in Parkinson's Disease-Related Brain Areas of Aged Rhesus Monkeys Treated with MPTP. Neuroscience. 2018 May 21;379:302-315.
    17. Liu S(#), Wang Z(#), Chen D(#), Zhang B(#),Tian RR(#), Wu J, Zhang Y, Xu K, Yang LM, Cheng C, Ma J, Lv L, ZhengYT, Hu X, Zhang Y(*), Wang X(*), Li J(*).Annotation and cluster analysis of spatiotemporal- and sex-related lncRNA expression in rhesus macaque brain. Genome Res. 2017Sep;27(9):1608-1620.
    18. Wang ZB(#), Qin DD(#),Hu XT. Engrafted newborn neurons could functionally integrate into the host neuronal network. Zool Res. 2017 Jan 18;38(1):5-6.
    19. Huma T(*), Hu X, Ma Y, Willden A, Rizak J, Shahab M, Wang Z(*).Kisspeptin-10 treatment generated specific GnRH expression in cells differentiated from rhesus monkey derived Lyon NSCs. Neuroscience.2017 May 4;349:318-329.
    20. Wei JK(#), Wang WC(#), Zhai RW(#), Zhang YH, YangSC, Rizak J, Li L, Xu LQ, Liu L, Pan MK, Hu YZ, Ghanemi A, Wu J, Yang LC, Li H, Lv LB, Li JL, Yao YG, Xu L, Feng XL, Yin Y, Qin DD, Hu XT(*), WangZB(*). Neurons Differentiated from Transplanted Stem CellsRespond Functionally to Acoustic Stimuli in the Awake Monkey Brain. CellRep. 2016 Jul 26;16(4):1016-1025.
    21. Li H(#) ,Lei X(#) ,Yan T (#),Li H,HuangB,Li L,Xu L,LiuL,Chen N,Lü L,MaY,Xu L,Li J,Wang Z(*),Zhang B(*),Hu X(*),The temporary and accumulatedeffects of transcranial direct currentstimulation for the treatment of advanced Parkinson's disease monkeys,Sci Rep,2015,5:12178.
    22. Guo L, Wei J, Yang S, Wang Z(*). Glaucoma model for stem celltransplantation research in New Zealand white rabbits.Dongwuxue Yanjiu.2012 Apr;33(2):225-30. doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1141.2012.02225. Chinese.
    23. Dong J, Guo L, Qu J, Qi R, Wang W, Xiao C(*), Wang Z(*). Rhesusmonkey embryonic stem cells differentiation, proliferation and allotransplantation. Dongwuxue Yanjiu. 2012 Feb;33(1):43-8. doi:10.3724/SP.J.1141.2012.01043. Chinese.
    24. YangS, Dong J, Qu J, Hu X, Wang Z(*). A traumatic brain injurymodel for distinguishing between transplanted neural cells and host cells in vivo. Dongwuxue Yanjiu. 2011 Aug;32(4):421-7. doi:10.3724/SP.J.1141.2011.04421. Chinese.

    六、授权发明专利 Patents

    1. 杨上川,张玉华,胡新天,王正波,胡英周,用于磁共振的大动物头部固定装置(申请号: 201320520310.7),中国, ZL 201320520310.7。

    2. 杨上川,胡新天,王正波,吴晶,双向微电极推进器及微电极(申请号:201320190992.X),中国, ZL 201320190992.X。

    3. 杨上川,胡新天,王正波,胡英周,用于大动物立体定位仪的耳杆高度可调耳杆座(申请号:201320175021.8),中国, ZL 201320175021.8.

    4. 杨上川,胡新天,王正波,王文超,马原野脑微量组织取样器(申请号:201210110829.8),中国, ZL 201210110829.8。

    5. 黄田庄,王宏,司维,段艳超,王正波,邱帅,龚南南,何羽群,一种做黑磁共振扫描时食蟹猴的下肢及膝关节固定装置, 2022-3-1, 中国, ZL202122125047.9 (专利)