罗富成(Fucheng Luo)
博士, 教授
Ph.D, Professor
E-mail: luofc@lpbr.cn
一、教育背景及工作经历 ( Education and Work Experience )
- 2020.1-至今:昆明理工大学 灵长类转化医学研究院,教授
- 2018.5-2019.12:美国 辛辛那提大学 医学院,博士后
- 2012.10-2018.4:美国 凯斯西储大学 医学院,博士后
- 2007.9-2012.9:昆明理工大学 环境科学与工程学院,博士
- 2003.9-2007.8:昆明理工大学 生命科学与技术学院,学士
二、主要研究方向 (Research Interest)
1. 胚胎神经发育机制研究
2. 髓鞘发育与再生机制研究
3. 脑衰老机制及调控研究
三、科研领域描述 (Description ofScientific Research)
四、承担科研项目(Research Funding)
1. 国家自然科学基金-面上项目(#82371578),2024-01-2027-12,在研,主持
2.国家自然科学基金-地区科学基金项目(#82060234), 2021-01到2024-12,在研,主持
五、代表性论文(Selected Publications)
- Zhang R*, Quan H, Wang Y, LuoF*. Neurogenesis in primates versus rodents and the value of non-humanprimate models. Natl Sci Rev. 2023 Sep15;10(11):nwad248.
- Fucheng Luo, Jiapeng Wang, Zhen Zhang, Zhen You, Alicia Bedolla, FearGod Okwubido-Williams, L. Frank Huang, Jerry Silver, Yu Luo*. Inhibition of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan receptor PTPσ promotes the migration of newly born neuroblasts, axonal sprouting and recovery from stroke. Cell Reports. 2022. 40(4):111137.
- Fucheng Luo, Zhen Zhang and Yu Luo*. Differential Role of p53 in Oligodendrocyte Survival in Response to Various Stresses: Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis, Cuprizone Intoxication or White Matter Stroke. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 12811. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms222312811
- Fucheng Luo, Zhen Zhang, Austin Barnett, Tania J. Bellinger, FlaviaTurcatoa, Kelly Schmidta, Yu Luo*, Cuprizone-induced demyelination under physiological and post-stroke condition leads to decreased neurogenesis response in adult mouse brain. Experimental Neurology, 2020.326:113168
- Fucheng Luo#, Amanda Phuong Tran#, Li Xin, Chandrika Sanapala, Bradley T. Lang, Jerry Silver*, Yan Yang*, Modulation of proteoglycan receptor PTPσ enhances MMP-2 activity to promote recovery from multiple sclerosis. Nature Communications, 2018. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-06505-6
- Fucheng Luo, Jessie Zhang, Kathryn Burk, Rita R. Romito-DiGiacomo, Robert H. Miller*, Yan Yang*, Oligodendrocyte-specific loss of Cdk5 disrupts the architecture of nodes of Ranvier as well as learning and memory. Experimental Neurology, 2018.306:92-104
- Fucheng Luo, Karl Herrup, Xin Qi*, Yan Yang*, Inhibition of Drp1 hyper-activation is protective in animal models of experimental multiple sclerosis. Experimental Neurology, 2017.292:21-34
- Fucheng Luo, Jessie Zhang, Kathryn Burke, Robert H. Miller*, Yan Yang*, The activators of Cdk5 p35 and p39 are essential for oligodendrocyte maturation, process formation and myelination. Journal of Neuroscience. 2016. 36(10):3024-3037
- Fucheng Luo, Kathryn Burke, Christopher Kantor, Robert H. Miller*, Yan Yang*, Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 mediates adult OPC maturation and myelin repair through modulation of Akt and GsK-3beta signaling. Journal of Neuroscience, 2014. 34(31): p. 10415-29
- Fucheng Luo, Yuemei Feng, Lu Zhao, Kui Li, Shengdong Wang, Junying Song, Jie Bai*, Thioredoxin-1 expression regulated by morphine in SH-SY5Y cells. Neuroscience Letters, 2012. 523(1): 50-5.
- Fucheng Luo, Lei Qi, Tao Lv, Shengdong Wang,Hua Liu, Hajime Nakamura, Junji Yodoi, Jie Bai*, Geranylgeranylacetone protects mice against morphine-induced hyperlocomotion, rewarding effect, and withdrawal syndrome. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 2012.52(7): 1218-27.
- Fucheng Luo, Jia Zhou, Tao Lv, Lei Qi, Shengdong Wang, Hajime Nakamura, Junji Yodoi, Jie Bai*, Induction of endoplasmic reticulum stress and the modulation of thioredoxin-1 in formaldehyde-induced neurotoxicity. NeuroToxicology, 2012. 33(3): 290-8.
- Fucheng Luo, Shengdong Wang, Lei Qi, Junying Song, Tao Lv, Jie Bai*, Protective effect of panaxatriol saponins extracted from Panax notoginseng against MPTP-induced neurotoxicity in vivo. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2011. 133(2): 448-53.
- Fucheng Luo, Shengdong Wang, Kui Li, Hajime Nakamura, Junji Yodoi, Jie Bai*, Panaxatriol saponins extracted from Panax notoginseng induces thioredoxin-1 and prevents 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ion-induced neurotoxicity. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2010. 127(2): 419-23.