- 马原野(Yuanye Ma)特聘教授
一、研究内容简介(Research Content)
We combined technologies of multiple disciplines, including modern biophysics, electrophysiology, neuroethology, neuropharmacology and psychology, to explore the origin, evolution and brain mechanism of consciousness and cognitive processes. We are now mainly focused on the cognitive function of prefrontal lobe in rodent and non-human primate macaques and its involvement in certain mental and neurological diseases. We are also interested in the brain mechanism of psychological withdrawal from drug addiction.
二、学历及工作经历(Education/Professional Experience)
1978.08 - 1982.08:云南大学生物系,动物学专业
1987.05 - 1988.05:美国耶鲁大学神经生物学系,博士后
1995.03 - 1996.03:英国牛津大学实验心理系,访问科学家
1996.04 - 1999.04:美国亚利桑那大学心理学系,访问科学家
1982.09 - 2015.12 :中国科学院昆明动物研究所灵长类研究室
2016.01 - 昆明理工大学灵长类转化医学研究院
1978.08 - 1982.08:B.S. in Zoology, Department of Biology, Yunnan University
1987.05 - 1988.05:Postdoctoral, Department of Neuroscience, Yale University
1995.03 - 1996.03:Visiting Scholar, Experimental Psychology Department, University of Oxford
1996.04 - 1999.04:Visiting Scholar, Department of Psychology, The University of Arizona
1982.09 - 2015.12 :Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2016.01 - Institute of Primate Translational Medicine, Kunming University of Science and Technology
云南省科学技术奖一等奖 “恒河猴工作记忆的儿茶酚胺机制” 2001年
First Prize of Yunnan Province Science and Technology Award, "Catecholamine Mechanism of Working Memory in Rhesus Monkey", 2001
- Fraser A W Wilson, Yuan-Ye Ma. Reinforcement-related neurons in the primate basal forebrain respond to the learned significance of task events rather than to the hedonic attributes of reward Cognitive. Brain Research,2004 (in Press)
- Jianhong Wang, Jingxia Cai, Yuan-Ye Ma. Effect of stress on memory process in a passive avoidance paradigm. Neurology,Psychiatry and Brain Research,2004 (in Press)
- Yanlin Lei, Ninglei Sun, Fraser A W Wilson, Xiusong Wang, Nanhui Chen, Jianzhen Yang, Yanping Peng, Jianhong Wang, Shaohua Tian, Maohua Wang, Yingda Miao, Weina Zhu, Hua Qi, Yuanye Ma.Telemetric recordings of single neuron activity and visual scenes in monkeys walking in an open field. Journal of Neuroscience Methods,2004,135/1-2:35-41.
- Yuan-Ye Ma, Baoping Tian, Wilson FA. Dissociation of egocentric and allocentric spatial processing in prefrontal cortex. Neuroreport, 2003:14(13) 1737-1741.
- Audie G. Leventhal, Yongchang Wang, Mingliang Pu, Yifeng Zhou, Yuan-Ye Ma. GABA and Its Agonists Improved Visual Cortical Function in Senescent Monkey, Science , 2003, 2 May Vol 300, 812-815.
- Wilson FA, Yuan-Ye Ma, Greenberg PA, Ryou JW, Kim BH. A microelectrode drive for long term recording of neurons in freely moving and chaired monkeys.J Neurosci Methods. 2003, 15;127(1):49-61.
- JianHong Wang, Maartenvan den Buuse, ShaoWen Tian, Yuan-Ye Ma. Effect of paradoxical sleep deprivation and stress on passive avoidance behavior. Physiology and Behavior, 2003,79:516-519.
- Shaowen Tian, Hua Qi, Jianhong Wang, Jingxia Cai, Yuan-Ye Ma. Differential amplitude modulation of auditory evoked cortical potentials associated with brain state in the freely moving rhesus monkey. Neurosci Lett, 2002, 18;331(3):159-62.
- Gutnikov S.A., Yuan-Ye Ma, Buckley M.J., Gaffan D. Monkeys can associate visual stimuli with reward delayed by 1 second even after perirhinal cortex ablation ,uncinate fascicle section or amygdalectomy. Behav. Brain Res,1997, 87:85-96.
- Gutnikov S.A., Yuan-Ye Ma, Gaffan D. Temporo-frontal disconnection impairs visual paired association learning but not visual configural learning in macaca monkeys. Eur J. Neurosci,1997,9:1524-1539.
- Jingxia Cai, Yuan-Ye Ma, Line Xu, Xian-tian Hu. Reserpine impairs spatial working memory performance in monkeys: reversal by adrenergic agonist clonidine. Brain Res,1993,614:191-196.
- Xiaochun Pu, Yuan-Ye Ma, Jingxia Cai. A Study on the effect of lesions of area 7 of the parietal cortex on the short-term visual spatial memory of rhesus monkeys. Brain Res,1993,600: 187-192.
- 马原野 中国六种灵长类及树鼩大脑两半球不对称性的研究,人类学学报,1992, 11(1):60-68.
- 马原野,Ryou JW, Kim BH and Wilson FA. Spatially-directed movement and neuronal activity in freely moving monkeys. In: Mori S, Stuart DG, Wiesendanger M, editors. Brain Mechanisms for the Integration of Posture and Movement, Progress in Brain Research, chapter 48. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2003:505-512.
- 马原野。大脑前额叶皮层在自我意识中的作用。《意识与大脑》汪云九,杨玉芳等主编。人民出版社,2003:98-114.
- 马原野,王建红主编。《认知神经科学原理和方法》,重庆出版社。2003.字数:66万字。
- 马原野。《遗传脑,环境脑,意识脑》,山西科技出版社。在编。字数:约25万字
- 马原野。有机体信息系统的演化在物种生存,适应过程中的作用 《21世纪100个科学难题》中国科学院21世纪100个科学难题编写组主编,吉林人民出版社,1998,489-497.
- 马原野。认知进化过程中的若干问题 《21世纪初科学发展趋势》21世纪初科学发展趋势课题组主编科学出版社,1996,326-327.
- 马原野。叶猴神经生物学,《叶猴生物学》,叶智彰主编 1993,427-449 云南科技出版社。
- 马原野。树鼩神经生物学,《树鼩生物学》,彭燕章主编,1991,云南科学技术出版社
- 马原野,蔡景霞。树鼩, 懒猴脑与行为的比较研究,《神经科学前沿》,冯德培, 张香桐, 邹冈主编,知识出版社,1986,355-370.