杨耐雪 (Naixue Yang)
Ph.D., Associate professor
Email: yangnx@lpbr.cn
一、教育及工作经历 Education and Academic Positions
- 2022.09-至今 昆明理工大学灵长类转化医学研究院,副教授,硕士生导师
- 2017.09-2022.06 清华大学,医学院,生物学,理学博士
- 2012.09-2017.06 哈尔滨医科大学,生物信息科学与技术学院,生物技术五年制,理学学士
- Sep 2022 – present Institute of Primate Translational Medicine, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Associate Professor.
- Sep 2017 – June 2022 Ph.D., Peking University-Tsinghua University-National Institute of Biological Science Joint Graduate Program, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University.
- Sep 2012 – June 2017 B.S., Harbin Medical University.
二、主要研究方向 Research interests
1. 免疫调控在发育过程及衰老相关疾病中的作用
2. 复杂疾病的遗传学和生物信息学研究
3. 高通量组学大数据的整合分析与数据挖掘工具开发
4. 机器学习和深度学习在生物大数据挖掘上的应用
1. exploring the role of immune regulation in developmental processes and age-related diseases
2. Genetic research and bioinformatics applied to the study of complex diseases
3. Integrated analysis of high-throughput omics data and the development of data analysis tools
4. Application of machine learning and deep learning
三、科研领域描述 Research Field
Developing bioinformatics analysis methods based on high-throughput omics data. Taking advantages of interdisciplinary research to explore important biological issues by combining multidisciplinary knowledge such as statistics, computer science, genomics and artificial intelligence. The advantages of computing and wet experiments are organically combined to carry out extensive collaborative research. In order to reveal the mechanism of immune regulation in the process of life development and disease progression, and to provide scientific basis for the development of early detection and treatment strategies of disease.
四、承担科研项目情况 Research funding
1. 国家自然科学基金委员会-青年科学基金项目(32300551),衰老进程中小胶质细胞的多样性解析及其炎性状态转化机制研究,2024.01-2026.12,30万,在研,主持。
2. 国家自然科学基金委员会-面上项目(81972680), 基于单细胞测序技术在EGFR-L858R肺癌模型中探究如何提高“冷”肿瘤对免疫治疗的响应, 2020.01-2023.12, 60万元, 资助期满, 主要参与。
3. 云南省科技厅,基础研究专项—面上项目(202401CF070125),巨噬细胞介导免疫抑制性T细胞激活的促肿瘤机制研究,2024.06-2027.05,10万,在研,主持。
4. 云南省教育厅,科学研究基金项目(2023J0141),单细胞转录组分析揭示小胶质细胞在脑部疾病中的调控作用,2023.3-2023.3,2万,在研,主持。
五、代表性论文 Publications
- Naixue Yang#, Fansen Ji#, Liqing Cheng#, Jingzhe Lu#, Xiaofeng Sun, Xin Lin*, and Xun Lan*. Knockout of immunotherapy prognostic marker genes eliminates the effect of the anti-PD-1 treatment. Npj Precision Oncology. 2021 May 7;5(1):37. (IF:10.123)
- Yu Zheng#, Haihui Jiang#, Naixue Yang#(共一), Shaoping Shen, Daosheng Huang, Lemei Jia, Jing Ling, Longchen Xu, Mingxiao Li, Kefu Yu, Xiaohui Ren, Yong Cui, Xun Lan, Song Lin, Xin Lin*. Glioma-derived ANXA1 suppresses the immune response to TLR3 ligands by promoting an anti-inflammatory tumor microenvironment, Cellular Molecular Immunology, 2023, 21(1): 47-59. (IF:24.1)
- Keyong Sun#, Runda Xu#, Fuhai Ma#, Naixue Yang#(共一),Yang Li#, Xiaofeng Sun, Peng Jin, Wenzhe Kang, Lemei Jia, Jianping Xiong, Haitao Hu, Yantao Tian*, and Xun Lan*. scRNA-seq of gastric tumor shows complex intercellular interaction with an alternative T cell exhaustion trajectory. Nature Communications. 2022 Aug 23;13(1):4943. (IF: 17.694)
- Jihao Liang, Yang Zheng, Xin Tong, Naixue Yang*(共通讯), and Shaoxing Dai*. In Silico Identification of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Medicinal Plants Using Cheminformatics and Machine Learning. Molecules. 2022 Dec 26;28(1):208. (IF: 4.927)
- Liqing Cheng, Zhanqi Wei, Zaopeng Yang, Renlin Lu, Ming Yang, Muchun Yu, Naixue Yang, Shulin Li, Mingyi Gao, Xueqiang Zhao, Xin Lin*. Carma3 Protects from Liver Injury by Preserving Mitochondrial Integrity in Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells. Journal of Immunology. 2022 Aug 1;209(3):456-464. (IF: 5.43)
- Liqing Cheng, Nan Deng, Naixue Yang, Xueqiang Zhao, and Xin Lin*. 2019. Malt1 Protease Is Critical in Maintaining Function of Regulatory T Cells and May Be a Therapeutic Target for Antitumor Immunity. Journal of Immunology. 2019 May 15;202(10):3008-3019. (IF: 5.43)