• 石宏(Hong Shi)





    2002.9-2006.7 博士研究生(获理学博士学位),导师:宿兵 研究员 中国科学院昆明动物研究所遗传资源与进化国家重点实验室,中国科学院昆明灵长类研究中心。


    1999.9-2002.7 硕士研究生(获理学硕士学位),导师:肖春杰 教授 云南大学人类遗传学研究中心

    1992.9-1996.7本科(获农学学士学位) 西南农业大学(西南大学)



























    1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,32070580、利用Y染色体全基因组测序数据构建东亚人群Y单倍群谱系树及分歧时间计算,2021/01-2024/12、58万元、在研、主持。
    2. 国家重点研发计划子课题,2018YFC1003203,排卵障碍性疾病新发现基因的功能及分子机制的研究,2019/1-2023/12、2188万元(本人94万元)、在研、主要参与人。
    3. 公安部现场物证溯源技术国家工程实验室开放课题,2018NELKFKT15、利用Y-SNPs和Y-STRs标记体系对中国人群男性样本遗传源流推断研究,2018/9-2020/9、5万元、已结题、主持。
    4. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划集成项目,91631303,不同时期遗传混合对东亚、东南亚等地区人群基因多样性的影响及其适应机制,2018/01-2019/12、1000万元(本人117.32万元)、已结题、主要参与人。
    5. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划集成项目,91631307,亚欧人群色素相关表型的进化与多基因作用机制,2017/01-2019/12、288万元(本人72万元)、已结题、主要参与人。
    6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31371268、东亚人群抗疟疾感染的遗传适应性进化研究、2014/01-2017/12、100万元、已结题、主持。
    7. 超级973子课题,2012CBA01303、异种、异源细胞和器官的灵长类动物移植探索及其免疫学基础、2012/10-2015/10、100万元、已结题、学术骨干。
    8. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目,91131001、东亚人群肤色适应性进化的遗传机制研究、2012/01-2014/12、100万元、已结题、主持。
    9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31071101、环境压力对人类MDMX基因的进化选择的研究、2011/01—2013/12、38万元、已结题、主持。
    10. 云南省中青年学术带头人后备人才培养计划,2010CI044、人类遗传学、2010/08—2015/08、12万元、已结题、主持。
    11. 云南省自然科学基金面上项目,2009CD107、环境压力对人类p53基因家族进化选择作用的研究、2009/12—2012/12、7.5万元、已结题、主持。
    12. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,30700445、Y染色体单倍型组D与东亚现代人的起源和迁移历史、2008/01—2010/12、17万元、已结题、主持。
    13. 中国科学院西部博士项目,环境压力诱导p53抑癌调控通路遗传变异在东亚人群中的研究、2008/01—2010/12、20万元、结题评估为优秀、主持。
    14. 973子课题,2007CB815705、基因和基因家族/群功能的选择和进化、2007/07—2012/08、500万元(本人为135万元)、已结题、学术骨干。


    1. 获2019年度云南省科技进步一等奖(创新团队)(排名13)。
    2. 获2015年度云南省中青年学术带头人。
    3. 获2013年度云南省自然科学一等奖(排名第二)。
    4. 获2012年度云南省自然科学一等奖(排名第四)。
    5. 获2012年度中国科学院王宽诚基金会“西部学者突出贡献奖”。
    6. 获2011年“第八届青藏高原青年科技奖”。

    六、代表性论文 :近年来在国际著名杂志《American Journal of Human Genetics》、《Nature Communications》、《Molecular Biology and Evolution》、《BMC Biology》、等上发表了SCI研究论文40多篇。

    1.Wang SB, Li BQ, Li PF, Xie R, Wang QS*, Shi H*(共同通讯作者), He JF*. Feasibility of perfusion and early‑uptake 18F‑FDG PET/CT in primary hepatocellular carcinoma: a dua‑input dua‑compartment uptake model. Jpn J Radiol. 2021. (doi.org/10.1007/s11604-021-01140-6)

    2. Wang SB, He H, Xv DD, She B, Lu RC, Yang ZH, Shi H, Xie R*. Visual PET/CT scoring of mesenteric FDG uptake to differentiate between tuberculous peritonitis and peritoneal carcinomatosis. Diagn Interv Radiol. 2020. (DOI 10.5152/dir.2020.20088)

    3. Chen Q, Ma ZX, Xia LB, Ye ZN, Liu BL, Ma TK, Bao PF, Wu XF, Yu CT, Ma DP, Han YY, Wang WG, Kuang DX, Dai JJ, Zhang RP, Hu M, Shi H *(共同通讯作者), Wang WL*, Li YJ*. A tree shrew model for steroid-associated osteonecrosis. Zool Res. 2020, 41(5): 564−568. (DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2020.061)

    4. He SM, Dong X, Zhang GH, Fan W, Duan SC, Shi H, Li DW, Li R, Chen G, Long GQ, Zhao Y, Chen M, Yan M, Yang JL, Lu YC, Zhou YL, Chen W, Dong Y, Yang SC. High quality genome of Erigeron breviscapus provides a reference for herbal plants in Asteraceae. Mol Ecol Resour, 2020, 00:1-17.(doi.10.1111/1755-0998.13257)

    5. Zhang XM, Li CM, Zhou YN, Huang JH, Yu TS, Liu X, Shi H, Liu H, Stephen Chia, Huang SM, Guo YZ, Rasmi Shoocongdej*, Ji XP*and Su B*. A Matrilineal Genetic Perspective of Hanging Coffin Custom in Southern China and Northern Thailand. iScience. 2020, Apr, 23: 101032. (doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2020.101032)

    6. Li YJ, Liang HS, Yuan DK, Liu BL, Liu L, Zhang YF, Hou KY, Zhang YC, Chen B, Ding J, Li YX, Wang QL, Wu HY, Shi H *(共同通讯作者), Hu M *. A novel mutation combining with rs66612022 in a Chinese pedigree suggests a new pathogenesis to osteogenesis imperfect via whole genome sequencing. Ann Hum Genet. 2020, 84:339–344. (DOI: 10.1111/ahg.12371)

    7. Yang ZH, Shi H(共同第一作者), Ma PC, Zhao SL, Kong QH, Bian TH, Gong C, Zhao Q, Liu Y, Qi XB, Zhang XM, Han YL, Liu JW, Li QW, Chen H*, Su B*. Darwinian Positive Selection on the Pleiotropic Effects of KITLG Explain Skin Pigmentation and Winter Temperature Adaptation in Eurasians. Mol Biol Evol. 2018, 35(9):2272-2283. (DOI: 10.1093/molbev/ msy136) (IF:14.797)

    8. Bhandari S, Zhang XM, Cui CY, Yangla, Liu L, Ouzhuluobu, Baimakangzhuo, Gonggalanzi , Bai CJ, Bianba, Peng Y, Zhang H, Xiang K, Shi H, Liu SM, Gengdeng, Wu TY, Qi XB*, Su B*. Sherpas share genetic variations with Tibetans for high-altitude adaptation. Mol Genet & Genom Med. 2017 JAN 5 (1): 76-84. (DOI: 10.1002/mgg3.264)

    9. Sushil Bhandari, Zhang XM, Cui CY, Yangla, Liu L, Ouzhuluobu, Baimakangzhuo, Gonggalanzi, Bai CJ, Bianba, Peng Y, Zhang H, Xiang K, Shi H, Liu SM, Gengdeng, Wu TY, XB Qi* & Su B *. Sherpas share genetic variations with Tibetans for highaltitude adaptation. Mol Genet Genom Med. 2017, 5(1): 76–84. (doi: 10.1002/mgg3.264)

    10. Yang ZH, Zhong H, Chen J, Zhang XM, Zhang H, Luo X, Xu SH, Chen H, Lu DS, HanYL, Li JK, Fu LJ, Qi XB, Peng Y, Xiang K, Lin Q, Guo Y, Li M, Cao XY, Zhang YF, Liao SY, Peng YM, Zhang L, Guo XS, Dong SS, Liang F, Wang J, Willden A, Seang Aun H, Serey B, Sovannary T, Bunnath L, Samnom H, Mardon G, Li QW, Meng AM *, Shi H *(共同通讯作者)& Su B *. A genetic mechanism for convergent skin lightening during recent human evolution. Mol Bio Evol. 2016 May 33(5):1177–1187.(IF:13.649)

    11. Yang DY, Peng Y, Ouzhuluobu, Bianbazhuoma, Cui CY, Bianba, Wang LB, Xiang K, He YX, Zhang H, Zhang XM, Liu JW, Shi H, Pan YY, Duojizhuoma, Dejiquzong, Cirenyangji, Baimakangzhuo, Gonggalanzi, Liu SM, Gengdeng, Wu TY, Chen H, Qi XB* and Su B*. HMOX2 Functions as a Modifier Gene for High-Altitude Adaptation in Tibetans. Hum Mutat. 2016, 37: 216–223. (DOI: 10.1002/humu.22935)

    12. Sushil Bhandari, Zhang XM, Cui CY, Yangla, Bianba, Liao SY, Peng Y, Zhang H, Xiang K, Shi H, Ouzhuluobu, Baimakangzhuo, Gonggalanzi, Liu SM, Gengdeng, Wu TY, XB Qi* & Su B *. Genetic evidence of a recent Tibetan ancestry to Sherpas in the Himalayan region. Sci. Rep. 2015, Nov, 5:16249. (DOI: 10.1038/srep16249)

    13. Zhang XM, Liao SY, Qi XB, Liu JW, Kampuansai J, Zhang H, Yang ZH, Serey B, Sovannary T, Bunnath L, Seang Aun H, Samnom H, Kangwanpong D, Shi H*(共同通讯作者) & Su B*. Y-chromosome diversity suggests southern origin and Paleolithic backwave migration of Austro-Asiatic speakers from eastern Asia to the Indian subcontinent. Sci. Rep. 2015 Oct, 5: 15486. (doi: 10.1038/srep15486)

    14. Chen YC, Niu YY, Li YJ, Ai ZY, Kang Y, Shi H, Xiang Z, Yang ZH, Tan T, Si W, Li W, Xia XS, Zhou Q*, Ji WZ* and Li TQ*. Generation of Cynomolgus Monkey Chimeric Fetuses using Embryonic Stem Cells. Cell Stem Cell. 2015 Jul, 17: 1–9. (DOI: 10.1016/j.stem.2015.06.004)

    15. Zhang XM, Kampuansai J, Qi XB, Yan S, Yang ZH, Serey B, Sovannary T, Bunnath L, Seang Aun H, Samnom, Kutanan W, Luo X, Liao SY, Kangwanpong D, Jin L, Shi H*(共同通讯作者)and Su B*.An Updated Phylogeny of the Human Y-Chromosome Lineage O2a-M95 with Novel SNPs. PLoS ONE. 2014 June, 9(6):e101020.

    16. Kraaijenbrink T, van der Gaag KJ, Zuniga SB, Xue Y, Carvalho-Silva DR, Tyler-Smith C, Jobling M A, Parkin EJ, Su B, Shi H, Xiao CJ, Tang WR, Kashyap VK, Trivedi R, Sitalaximi T, Banerjee J, Tshering of Gaselô K, Tuladhar NM, Opgenort JRML, van Driem GL, Barbujani G, Peter de Knijff. A Linguistically Informed Autosomal STR Survey of Human Populations Residing in the Greater Himalayan Region. PLoS ONE. 2014 March 9(3): e91534.

    17. Li M, Luo XJ, Rietschel M, Lewis CM, Mattheisen M, Müller-Myhsok B, Jamain S, Leboyer M, Landén M, Thompson PM, Cichon S, Nöthen MM, Schulze TG, Sullivan PF, Bergen SE, Donohoe G, Morris DW, Hargreaves A, Gill M, Corvin A, Hultman C, Toga AW, Shi L, Lin Q, Shi H, Gan L, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Czamara D, Henry C, Etain B, Bis JC, Ikram MA, Fornage M, Debette S, Launer LJ, Seshadri S, Erk S, Walter H, Heinz A, Bellivier F, Stein JL, Medland SE, Arias Vasquez A, Hibar DP, Franke B, Martin NG, Wright MJ; MooDS Bipolar Consortium; Swedish Bipolar Study Group; Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative; ENIGMA Consortium; CHARGE Consortium, Su B. Allelic differences between Europeans and Chinese for CREB1 SNPs and their implications in gene expression regulation, hippocampal structure and function, and bipolar disorder susceptibility. Mol Psychiatry. 2014 Apr;19(4):452-61. (IF 15.147)

    18. Zhang XM, Qi XB, Yang ZH, Serey B, Sovannary T, Bunnath L, Seang Aun H, Samnom, Zhang H, Lin Q, van Oven M, Shi H *(共同通讯作者) and Su B. Analysis of Mitochondrial Genome Diversity Identifies Novel and Ancient Maternal Lineages in Cambodian Aborigines. Nature Communications. 2013, 4:2599.(IF 10.742)

    19. Qi XB, Cui CY, Peng Y, Zhang XM, Yang ZH, Zhong H, Zhang H, Xiang K, Cao XY, Wang Y, Ouzhuluobu, Basang, Ciwangsangbu, Bianba, Gonggalanzi, Wu TY, Chen H, Shi H*(共同通讯作者)and Su B. Genetic evidence of Paleolithic colonization and Neolithic expansion of modern humans on the Tibetan Plateau. Mol Biol Evol. 2013, 30(8):1761-1778. (IF 14.308)

    20. Shi H, Qi XB, Zhong H, Peng Y, Zhang XM, Ma RLZ and Su B. Genetic evidence of an East Asian origin and Paleolithic northward migration of Y-chromosome haplogroup N. PLoS ONE. 2013 June,8(6):e66102.

    21. Xiang K, Ouzhuluobu, Peng Y, Yang ZH, Zhang XM, Cui CY, Zhang H, Li M, Zhang YF, Bianba, Gonggalanzi, Basang, Ciwangsangbu, Wu TY, Chen H, Shi H, Qi XB, Su B. Identification of a Tibetan-specific mutation in the hypoxic gene EGLN1 and its contribution to high-altitude adaptation. Mol Biol Evol. 2013, 30(8):1889-1898. (IF 14.308)

    22. Li M, Luo XJ, Xiao X, Shi L, Liu XY, Yin LD, Ma XY, Yang SY, Pu XF, Yu J, Diao HB, Shi H, and Su B. Analysis of common genetic variants identifies RELN as a risk gene for schizophrenia in Chinese population. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 2011 March, 14(2): 91-99.

    23. Li R, Zhang XM, Campana MG, Huang JP, Chang ZH, Qi XB, Shi H, Su B, Zhang RF, Lan XY, Chen H and Lei CZ. Paternal origins of Chinese cattle. Animal Genetics. 2013, 44(4):446-449.

    24. Qi XB, Shi H, Cui CY, Bianba, Ouzhuluobu, Wu TY and Su B. Peopleing of the Tibetan Plateau and genetic adaptation to high-altitude hypoxia in Tibetans. Science. 2012 December; 388(6113):1485(12-13).

    25. Shi H. A commentary on “A multiplex SNP assay for the dissection of human Y-chromosome haplogroup O representing the major paternal lineage in East and Southeast Asia”. J Hum Genet. 2012, 57:5.

    26. Peng Y, Yang ZH, Zhang H, Cui CY, Qi XB, Luo XJ, Tao X, Wu TY, Ouzhuluobu, Basang, Ciwangsangbu, Danzengduojie, Chen H, Shi H*(共同通讯作者)& Su B*. Genetic Variations in Tibetan Populations and High-Altitude Adaptation at the Himalayas. Mol Biol Evol. 2011, 28:1075-1081. (IF 11.221)

    27. Zhong H, Shi H,*(共同第一作者), Qi XB, Duan ZY, Tan PP, Jin L, Su B & Ma RZ. Extended Y-chromosome investigation suggests post-Glacial migrations of modern humans into East Asia via the northern route. Mol Biol Evol. 2011, 28, 717-727.(IF 11.221)

    28. Shi H and Su B. Molecular Adaptation of Modern Human Populations. Intern J Evol Bio. 2011, 484769, doi:10.4061/2011/484769.

    29. Peng Y, Shi H, Qi XB, Xiao CJ, Zhong H, Ma Z RL, Su B. Genetic evidence of rice culture driven selection on the ADH1B Arg47His polymorphism in East Asian populations. BMC Evolu Biol. 2010, 10:15.

    30. Zhong H, Shi H, Xiao CJ, Ma RLZ and Su B. Global Distribution of Y-Chromosome Haplogroup C Reveals the Prehistoric Migration Routes of African Exodus and Early Settlement in East Asia. J Hum Genet. 2010, 55, 428-35.

    31. Shou WH, Qiao EF, Wei CY, Dong YL, Tan SJ, Shi H, Tang WR, Xiao CJ. Y-chromosome distributions among populations in Northwest China identify significant contribution from Central Asian pastoralists and lesser influence of western Eurasians. J Hum Genet. 2010, 5:1–9.

    32. Shi H, Tan SJ, Zhong H, Hu WW, Levine A, Xiao CJ, Peng Y, Qi XB, Shou WH, Ma Z RL, Li Y, Su B and Lu X. Winter Temperature and UV Are Tightly Linked to Genetic Changes in the p53 Tumor Suppressor Pathway in Eastern Asia. Am J Hum Genet. 2009 April; 84(4), 534–541. (Featured Article)(IF 12.16)

    33. Shi H and Su B. Origin of Modern Humans in East Asia: clues from the Y chromosome. Front Biol China. 2009, 4(3): 241–247.

    34. Shi H, Zhong H, Peng Y, Dong YL, Qi XB, Zhang F, Liu LF, Tan SJ, Ma RL, Xiao CJ, Wells S, Jin L and Su B. Y chromosome evidence of earliest modern human settlement in East Asia and multiple origins of Tibetan and Japanese populations. BMC Biology. 2008 October, 6:45.

    35. Kraaijenbrink T, Zuniga S, Su B, Shi H, Xiao CJ, Tang WR, Knijff de P. Allele frequency distribution of 21 forensic autosomal STRs in 7 populations from Yunnan, China. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 2008(3): e11–e12.

    36. Shi H, Dong YL, Wen B, Xiao CJ, Underhill PA, Shen PD, Chakraborty R, Jin L and Su B. Y-chromosome evidence of southern origin of the East Asian-specific haplogroup O3-M122. Am J Hum Genet. 2005 Sep; 77(3):408-19. (IF 12.65)

    37. Shi H, Dong YL, Li WX, Yang J, Li KY, Zan RG & Xiao CJ. The geographic polymorphisms of Y chromosome at YAP locus among 25 ethnic groups in Yunnan, China. Sci China C Life Sci. 2003 April; 46 (2):135-140.

    38. Chen XH, Shi H, Liu XL and Su B. The testis-specific apoptosis related gene TTL.6 underwent adaptive evolution in the lineage leading to humans. Gene, 2006 Mar 29; 370C:58-63.

    39. Wang YQ, Qian YP, Yang S, Shi H, Liao CH, Zheng HK, Wang J, Lin AA, Cavalli-Sforza LL, Underhill PA, Chakraborty R, Jin L and Su B. Accelerated evolution of the pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide precursor gene during human origin. Genetics. 2005 Jun; 170 (2):801-6.

    40. Wen B, Shi H, Ren L, Xue HF, Li KY, Zhang WY, Su B, Shi SH, Jin L and Xiao CJ. The origin of Mosuo people as revealed by mtDNA and Y chromosome variation. Sci China C Life Sci. 2004 Feb; 47 (1):1-10.

    41. Wen B, Xie X, Gao S, Li H, Shi H, Song X, Qian T, Xiao C, Jin J, Su B, Lu D, Chakraborty R and Jin L. Analyses of genetic structure of Tibeto-Burman populations reveals sex-biased admixture in southern Tibeto-Burmans. Am J Hum Genet. 2004 May; 74 (5):856-65. (IF 12.34)

    42. Yang X, Yang Z, Shi H, Dong Y, Yang J, Zeng W, Gao L and Xiao C. Y-STR polymorphisms among five Chinese minorities, Mosuo, Mongolian, Naxi, Pumi and Tibetan, in Yunnan Province, PR China. Ann Hum Biol. 2004 Jan-Feb; 31 (1):103-11.

    43. Qi XB, Yang S, Zheng HK, Wang YQ, Liao CH, Liu Y, Chen XH, Shi H, Yu XJ, Lin AA, Cavalli-Sforza LL, Wang J and Su B. Detecting positive Darwinian selection in brain-expressed genes during human evolution. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2007, 52:324-335.



    1. 重大出生缺陷与精准预防 (ISBN 978-7-313-20474-5),石宏(编委),上海交通大学出版社,上海. 2020.

    2. 医学遗传学 (ISBN 978-7-03-066361-0), 石宏(编委),科学出版社,北京. 2020.

    3. 生物信息学(ISBN: 978-7-302-17793-7 ) 石宏(编委),清华大学出版社,北京. 2008.