朱小庆(Xiaoqing Zhu)
Ph.D., Associate Professor
一、受教育及工作经历 Education And Professional Experience
- 2006-09 至 2010-07, 淮南师范学院, 生物科学, 学士
- 2010-09 至 2016-06, 中国科学技术大学, 神经生物学, 硕博连读
- 2016-10 至 2022-05, 昆明理工大学,博士后
- 2022-06 至 今, 昆明理工大学,灵长类转化医学研究院,副教授
- 09/2006-07/2010,School of Life Sciences, Huainan Normal University, China, B.S.
- 09/2010-06/2016,School of Life Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Ph. D. in Neuroscience
- 10/2016-05/2022 Institute of Primate Translational Medicine, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Postdoc.,
- 06/2022-present, Institute of Primate Translational Medicine, Kunming University of Science and Technology
三、科研领域描述 Description of ResearchFields
A key issue in neuroscience is to explore how evolutionary expansion of cortices is achieved during primate brain development. Cortical expansion in primate is characterized by a prolonged and increased proliferation of radial glial cells (RGCs) in the ventricular zone (VZ) of the telencephalon, with RGCs then expanding into the subventricular zone (SVZ). In primates, RGCs are more abundant than that in mice and form a more extended SVZ, or the outer SVZ, which is driven by“basal” RGCs (bRGCs) . Nevertheless, the molecular mechanisms responsible for such expansion of primate RGCs remain largely unknown.
Neural stem cells (NESCs) have emerged as promising cells to model brain development and study disease, and hold remarkable values for regeneration medicine. At present, some studies have successfully induced the generation of NESC from ESCs by using a few small molecular compounds. The NESC described by these systems are difficult to provide sufficient cell population with stable characteristics for cell disease studies and cell therapy. Therefore, developing a simple culture system to obtain NESC in a stable, controlled and conserved manner will provide the advantage for cell therapies of cortical diseases.
四、承担科研项目情况 Research Funding
1. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 地区科学基金项目, 31760272, 利用人单个神经上皮干细胞研究大脑皮层细胞发育谱系及机制, 2018-01-01 至 2021-12-31, 35万元, 在研, 主持
2. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上基金项目, 32271025, BRN2特异性调控灵长类脑血管发育的作用和机制研究, 2023-01-01 至 2026-12-31, 54万元,在研,主持
3. 国家重点研发计划,外源性和内源性干细胞的多模示踪及评价,2018YFA0107900,2018-10 至 2022-12,188.2万元,在研,研究骨干
4. 国家重点研发计划,多能性干细胞的表观遗传稳定性研究,2022YFA1103100,2022-11至 2026-12,130万元,在研,研究骨干
五、代表性论文:*通讯作者 Selected Publications:*Correspondence
1. Xiaoqing Zhu; Yicheng Guo; Chu Chu; Dahai Liu; Kui Duan; Yu Yin; Chenyang Si; Yu Kang; Junjun Yao; Xuewei Du; Junliang Li; Shumei Zhao; Zongyong Ai; Qingyuan Zhu; Weizhi Ji; Yuyu Niu; Tianqing Li ; BRN2 as a key gene drives the early primate telencephalon development, Science Advances , 2022, 8(9): 0-eabl7263. IF=14.01,中科院JCR一区,第一作者。
2. Zhu X#, Li B#, Ai Z#, Xiang Z, Zhang K, Qiu X, Chen Y, Li Y, Rizak JD, Niu Y, Hu X, Sun YE, Ji W*, Li T*. A Robust Single Primate Neuroepithelial Cell Clonal Expansion System for Neural Tube Development and Disease Studies[J]. Stem Cell Reports, 2016, 6 (2): 228-242. IF=7.338,中科院JCR一区,第一作者。
3. Zhu, Xiaoqing; Zhou, Wenshu; Jin, Hua; Li, Tianqing ; Brn2 Alone Is Sufficient to Convert Astrocytes into Neural Progenitors and Neurons, Stem Cells and Development , 2018, 27(11): 736-744 IF= 3.315,第一作者。
4. Zhu X, Ai Z, Hu X*, Li T*. Efficient Generation of Corticofugal Projection Neurons from Human Embryonic Stem Cells[J]. Sci Rep, 2016, 6: 28572. IF= 5.228,第一作者
六、获奖情况 Awards
1. 李天晴,季维智,牛昱宇,陈永昌,艾宗勇,朱小庆,康宇。灵长类干细胞的多能性、分化和再生机制,云南省自然科学奖,一等奖,2021。
七、专利 Patents
- 发明专利:李天晴、季维智、李博、朱小庆。一种建立神经上皮干细胞的培养基、方法及其应用. 专利号 ZL201480002707.4. 专利授权日2018年05月1日