尹宇(Yu Yin)
Ph.D., Associate Professor
一、受教育及工作经历 ( Education and ResearchExperience )
- 2022年6月-至今 昆明理工大学灵长类转化医学研究院,副教授
- 2016年12月-2022年5月 昆明理工大学灵长类转化医学研究院,博士后
- 2012年9月-2016年7月 南开大学生命科学学院,细胞生物学,博士
- 2009年9月-2012年7月 南开大学生命科学学院,细胞生物学,硕士
- 2005年9月-2009年7月 南开大学生命科学学院,生物科学,学士
- 06/2022-present Institute of Primate Translational Medicine, Kunming University of Science and Technology. Associate Professor.
- 12/2016-05/2022 Institute of Primate Translational Medicine, Kunming University of Science and Technology. Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- 09/2012-07/2016 College of Life Sciences, Nankai University. Ph.D.
- 09/2009-07/2012 College of Life Sciences, Nankai University. M.S.
- 09/2005-07/2009 College of Life Sciences, Nankai University. B.S.
二、主要研究方向 (Research Interests and Description)
原肠前人胚胎发育 (Human Pre-gastrulation Embryogenesis)
人原肠前阶段胚胎的发育对于成功妊娠至关重要,在这个时期胚胎经历了一系列重要的发育生物学事件。这些重要的事件包括:谱系特化,上胚层(epiblast, EPI)发育过程中多能性状态的转变,对称性的打破和前后极性(体轴)的形成,羊膜上皮和EPI(AME-EPI)的分离,卵黄囊的形成以及滋养层细胞发育成早期胎盘的主要细胞类型。这个阶段胚胎发育异常是早期流产发生的主要原因。解析原肠前人胚胎发育过程中这些关键的事件以及相关的调控机制能够帮助我们更好的理解人类胚胎早期发育并且有利于人类生殖健康。
Human pre-gastrulation embryonic development undergoes a series of key developmental events and is critical for successful gestation. Key events include lineage specification, pluripotency states transition during epiblast (EPI) development, symmetry-breaking and the formation of the anterior-posterior polarity (body axis), AME–EPI separation, formation of yolk sac and generation of the major cell types in the early placenta through trophoblast differentiation. Abnormal embryogenesis at this stage is a major cause of early miscarriage. Revealing the key events and the underlying mechanisms of human pre-gastrulation embryonic development can help us understand the process of early human embryogenesis better and benefit human reproductive health.
三、承担科研项目情况 (Research Funding)
1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,32100655,人上胚层退出Naïve多能性的分子机制研究,2022-01-01至2024-12-31,在研,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,重大项目,82192874,胚胎植入后发育与不良妊娠结局,2022-01-01至2026-12-31,在研,参与
3. 国家自然科学基金委员会,重点项目,32130034,利用3D延迟培养和“人工”胚胎揭示人着床胚胎发育和调控机制,2022-01-01至2026-12-31,在研,参与4. 博士后科学基金会,面上资助,2017M623317XB,结题,主持
四、代表性论文 (Publications)
- Xiang L#, Yin Y#, Zheng Y#, Ma Y#, Li Y#, Zhao Z, Guo J, Ai Z, Niu Y, Duan K, He J, Ren S, Wu D, Bai Y, Shang Z, Dai X, Ji W*, Li T*. A developmental landscape of 3D-cultured human pre-gastrulation embryos[J].Nature, 2020, 577 (7791): 537-542.
- Liu N#, Yin Y#, Wang H#, Zhou Z, Sheng X, Fu H, Guo R, Wang H, Yang J, Gong P, Ning W, Ju Z, Liu Y*, Liu L*. Telomere dysfunction impairs epidermal stem cell specification and differentiation by disrupting BMP/pSmad/P63 signaling. PLoS Genet. 2019 Sep 13;15(9):e1008368.
- Ai Z, Yin Y, Niu B, Li T*. Deconstructing human peri-implantation embryogenesis based on embryos and embryoids. Biol Reprod. 2022 May 11:ioac096.
- Zhu X, Guo Y, Chu C, Liu D, Duan K, Yin Y, Si C, Kang Y, Yao J, Du X, Li J, Zhao S, Ai Z, Zhu Q, Ji W*, Niu Y*, Li T*. BRN2 as a key gene drives the early primate telencephalon development. Sci Adv. 2022 Mar 4;8(9):eabl7263.
- Duan K, Si CY, Zhao SM, Ai ZY, Niu BH, Yin Y, Xiang LF, Ding H, Zheng Y*. The Long Terminal Repeats of ERV6 Are Activated in Pre-Implantation Embryos of Cynomolgus Monkey. Cells. 2021 Oct 9;10(10):2710.
- Ai Z, Niu B, Duan K, Si C, Wang S, Xiang L, Zhu X, Zhu Q, Feng C, Yin Y, Zhao S, Kong R, Ji W, Li T*. Modulation of Wnt and Activin/Nodal supports efficient derivation, cloning and suspension expansion of human pluripotent stem cells. Biomaterials. 2020 Aug;249:120015.